Exuberant Springtime Bouquet
For floral designers this is a favorite time of the year. The flower markets are filled with an abundance of spring blossoms. It’s like the flower world is awash in a sea of color. In this video leanne creates a spectacular polychromatic springtime bouquet as she discusses color harmonies and showcases colorful spring blossoms. Enjoy!
Welcome to the Flower School .com video library. I'm Lee Ann Kesler, director of the Floral Design Institute, and today I'm here to share with you the beauty and color of spring.
The footed vase will elevate the design, adding value, filled with water, mixed with flower food, then as many colors as I could find, some purple iris, yellow daffodils, violet hyacinth, orange Gerbera and roses, hot pink, Pink Floyd roses, and then beautiful greens to fill in. The base, luxurious foliage.
A long strand of Italian ruscus can just wind around on itself, tying it into a knot, creating a nice base. Give it a cut, set it in place, and then enhance with some pittosporum, and maybe even a fatsia leaf.
Once you have the nest of foliage established, add in your blooms using a radial format, going through the central binding point, making sure to take off anything broken or damaged, then sliding it in. Maybe a rose. The green and the pink, direct complements on the color wheel, really give it a zippy color at the very beginning. Little bit of a mini hydrangea, maybe another button palm. Then coming back with more roses.
The base of pink and green, now just adding more, more, more. The color explodes. Maybe an orange gerbera daisy, putting it own in. The violet hyacinth, weaving it through. The vivid yellow of the daffodil. You can see spring exploding before your very eyes.
To finish, think about your colors. Make sure you've got them scattered around correctly. The violet of the iris looks better grouped toward the center, so bring all of them up. Then carrying the eye around if I've got orange here, I want to bring it around to the opposite side so that it pulls the color through. Maybe a rose, grouping it in, and then adding 'til it's full and lush and exploding with color.
A final touch, just a bit more foliage to help break the line of the container and draw it all together. You can see when you use intense hues, it looks absolutely fabulous. For more creative inspiration, check out the website at Flower School .com. If you have questions, you can reach us through there or pick up the telephone and give us a call at 503-223-8089. Now it's your turn. Gather up the most colorful flowers you can find, create away, take a picture, and post it on social media. Be sure to tag Flower Design Institute so that we all can see what you create as you do something you love.