Green Vase Trio
Nothing looks as fresh as the combination of green and white -- both in flowers and containers! In this Flower School How-To Video Leanne creates a foam-free trio of vases in a clean, green & white palette -- with beautiful flowers from and -- perfect for everyday sales. Enjoy!
Video Transcription
Welcome to the Flower School .com video library. I'm Leanne Kesler, Director of the Floral Design Institute, and today I'm here to share with you a fabulous trio of vases, perfect for everyday sales.
As a professional florist, we're always hunting for something to make us a little different to set us apart. The easiest way is amazing flowers. To begin this design, I turned to our friends at Garden Roses Direct, and I purchased some of these beautiful Princess Midori spray roses. Are those not amazing? The color, the uniqueness. They'll make an everyday sale truly special. Then I went to our friends at Florabundance, and I looked for coordinating things. First, I found amazing green lisianthus. It almost glows. Then I filled in with a variety of foliage and textures to make it special.
Another technique for making your everyday sales anything but every day, is to use a variety of different foliage. I always recommend if you come to Flower School, you know this, at least three: variegated pittosporum. Beautiful. Just giving it a cut or a break, it's so woody, sometimes a break is as good as anything. And drop it in. And I repeat that in each of the vessels. Then, coming back with one fatsia leaf. Yes, just one. Add a little bit of pizazz, bring some visual weight to the base ,and begin breaking the line of the container. Then next for a third foliage, Israeli ruscus, giving it a cut, placing it down in, radiating through the central binding point, and weaving, which will then support all the flowers.
The Princess Midori is so full, so lush. Really, one stem is all you need to make it look great. Just giving it a cut, setting it in place, dropping it down in, then coming back with the lisianthus. Weaving it, so that it spreads the design outward, and starts to lock everything in place.
Now to finish, adding in textures. Now they don't have to be identical. You could do one of something in some and two in another. Really is a mix and match. Having a little bit of lysimachia. Letting it come up a little higher, maybe some eryngium, breaking it down, so that one stem can be divided between different areas of the design. Maybe some coming to the side, out to the opposite side. Maybe even up a little bit higher, tucking in astrantia. Adding some softness. Then for fun and fragrance, some fresh mint, just tucking it in with the foliage. So yes, now I have four foliage, but the mint adds just a little bit of fragrance that teases the senses. Then for a touch of whimsy, tucking in grasses, and then fill in with a few of each throughout.
The arrangements are all-sided. And when they're placed in the cooler, you can do it as a one, a two, or a three. Maybe they want a single, smaller arrangement. Maybe they'd like a duo. Or, best of all, maybe they want the trio.
The recipe, just one stem of the Princess Midori roses from Garden Roses Direct. Then, two stems of the lisianthus from Florabundance. Then I filled in with 10 additional stems. Mix and match, they don't all match in count, but they all have 10 stems of lisianthus, astrantia, grasses, mint, and eryngium. The base, I started with the three different foliage: one fatsia, one pit that I broke apart, and then five stems of the Israeli ruscus.
For the professional florist, there are three tips in this video. One, search out unique flowers. Two, use a variety of foliage. Three, yes, there's a third. Design in multiples. It's more efficient, more cost-effective. For more creative inspiration, check out our website, Flower You'll find so much there. If you have questions, you can reach us through the website, or pick up the telephone and call us at (503) 223-8089. Now it's your turn. Gather up three vases, fill them with flowers, take a photo, and post it on social media. Be sure to hashtag Floral Design Institute so we all can see your trio of fun, as you do something you love.