Kangaroo Paw - Anigozanthos

Common Names: Kangaroo Paw, Anigozanthos
Botanical names: Anigozanthos (a-nee-go-ZAN-thus)
Availability: Year round
Vase life: 8 to 16 days
Storage temperatures: 36 - 38 degrees Fahrenheit
Ethylene Sensitive: No
Description: Unusual fuzzy, tubular and slightly curved flowers (shaped like little kangaroo paws) borne in one-sided elongated clusters. Blossoms are felted with a fur-like covering.
Color: red, purple, green, and yellow
Botanical facts: From the Greek words anoigo (to open) and anthos (flower), referring to flowers that are widely open.
Design notes: The long stem of the Anigozanthos makes for a wonderful contemporary line flower.
Purchasing hints: Purchase stems with some flowers open. Avoid flaccid flowers and brown petal tips.
Conditioning: Remove all foliage that will be below the water line. Cut stem ends with a sharp knife. Hydrate in a solution of water and commercial floral food for two hours before storage or usage
Additional notes: The wonderful textures of the Anigozanthus combine easily with other exotic flowers.