Lily of the Valley
Common Names: Convallaria, Lily of the Valley
Botanical names: Convallaria, (kahn-val-AIR-ee-ah)
Availability: Year round, most abundant in April and May. See additional notes.
Vase life: 3 to 6 days
Storage temperatures: 36 - 38 degrees Fahrenheit
Ethylene Sensitive: Yes
Description: Tiny bell-shaped flowers on short stems. Stems 8-10 inches long, bearing 6-8 clusters of flowers.
Color: Generally white, some pink
Botanical facts: The name is from the Latin word convallis (valley). Flowers are used in the perfume industry. Despite its name, the flower is not a lily and is scientifically classified as part of the (Asparagus) Asparagaceae family.
Design notes: A sweetly fragrant flower used primarily in wedding and corsage work. Queen Victoria, Princess Astrid of Sweden, Grace Kelly, and Kate Middleton all used the white, bell-shaped buds in their wedding bouquets.
Purchasing hints: Purchase when 1/4 of the buds are are open.
Conditioning: Cut stem ends with a sharp knife. Hydrate in a solution of water and floral food for two hours before storage or usage. If received with roots attached, do not cut off the roots, submerge roots in a solution of water and commercial floral food.
Additional notes: Yes, Lilly of the Valley is available year round. However, supplies are very limited and it may be impossible to find.
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