Eremurus, Foxtail Lily

Common Names: Eremurus, Foxtail Lily, Desert Candle

Botanical names: Eremurus Robustus, family Asphodelaceae

Availability: Spring and Summer

Vase life: Seven to Fourteen days.

Storage temperatures: 34 to 36 degrees Fahrenheit

Ethylene Sensitive: Yes

Description: Tall dramatic flowers with distinctive bottle brush blossoms atop leafless slender stalks. The height of these impressive flowers can be two to seven feet.

Color: Orange, pink, yellow, brown and white

Botanical facts: The The genus name is derived from the Greek words “ekemos” (“solitary”) and “oura” (“tall”). Eremurus is native to Afghanistan and the Hindu Kush and they thrive in arid conditions.

Design notes: These dramatic flowers are perfect for large arrangements and are often used in floral floats and large floral displays.

Purchasing hints: Purchase when the florets are still in bud stage or just beginning to open. Look for tall straight stems and upright blossoms with out damage.

Conditioning: Hydrate in a solution of water and commercial floral preservative before storage or usage. If the heads droop, recut the stems and treat with Quick Dip.

Additional notes: Eremurus is a symbol of endurance, love, purity, and new beginnings.