Evergreen Branches

Common Names: Evergreen Branches, Evergreens, Christmas Greens, Pine, Fir, Cedar, Spruce, and Juniper

Botanical names: Varies

Availability: Year round, but most commonly available in Fall and Winter

Vase life: 7 to 21 days; varies widely, dependent on species and cultivar

Storage temperatures: 36 - 38 degrees Fahrenheit

Ethylene Sensitive: No

Description: Pine, Long, soft needles. Fir, Short and fragrant dense needles. Cedar, Flat, feather-like draping sprays with a woodsy aroma. Spruce, Stiff, spiky needles and bluish-green hues

Color: Various shades of green, grey and blue

Botanical facts: In ancient history Celts viewed evergreens as symbols of eternal life because they remained green throughout the harsh winter when other plants withered. They believed that winter was a time when evil spirits and malevolent forces were more active, as the days were darker and colder. Bringing evergreen branches into the home was thought to offer protection and assure the coming of spring, light and warmer days. Many of these ancient Celtic practices influenced later pagan Yule celebrations and were eventually incorporated into Christian holiday customs, such as decorating homes with wreaths, garlands, and Christmas trees.

Design notes: Evergreen foliages are versatile elements in floral arrangements, offering texture, structure, and contrast. Their varied shapes, colors, and fragrances make them an essential part of designs, especially during the holiday and winter seasons.

Purchasing hints: Purchase fresh branches with soft flexible needles free of shedding.

Conditioning: Break or cut with a sharp knife two to three inches of the stem end. Hydrate in a solution of warm water and commercial floral preservative / floral food for two hours before storage or usage.

Additional notes: While evergreen foliages are often associated with winter décor, they can also play a key role in spring and summer floral arrangements, offering structure, texture, and refreshing contrast.

Video Demonstration:

Red Christmas Arrangement