Spirea - Bridal Wreath

Common Names: Spirea, bridal wreath

Botanical names: Spiraea vanhouttei

Availability: Spring and summer

Vase life: 4 to 7 days.

Storage temperatures: 34 to 36 degrees Fahrenheit

Ethylene Sensitive: Yes

Description: Delicate dense clusters of small flowers, called corymbs that cascade down its graceful, curving branches.

Color: White

Botanical facts: There are several species of spirea available to floral designers. Spiraea vanhouttei (Bridal wreath spirea) being the most common, (pictured). Additional species include Spiraea japonica (Japanese spirea), Spiraea betulifolia (Birchleaf spirea), and Spiraea bumalda (Bumald spirea).

Design notes: Spirea can add a graceful line and visual interest to a floral arrangement. Position the spirea branches to showcase the beauty of its cascading flowers.

Purchasing hints: Select stems at their peak of freshness when blossoms are just beginning to open. Flowers that are fully open may not last as long.

Conditioning: Break branch ends (or cut with pruners and whittle bark with sharp knife). Hydrate in a solution of water and commercial floral preservative before storage or usage.

Additional notes: Spiraea vanhouttei is native to China and was first introduced to Europe in the 19th century.

Video Demonstration:

Caramel & Cream Floral Arrangement